martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Phonetics: General Lesson

If you are not too much into the phonetics field, do not worry!
In this post we are going to review and explain the most important features of phonetics and also some exercises below to practice both American and British English sounds. 

The picture below represents the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which follows the rules of the British English sounds:

Resultado de imagen de phonetic alphabet each sound

In the next video you will be able to listen to each sound and also listen to several examples of the BrE phonetic symbols:

These are the phonetic symbols of the AmE consonants: 

Resultado de imagen de phonetic alphabet american

AmE vowels: 

Resultado de imagen de phonetic alphabet american vowels

Until next section you will really NEED to practice the phonetic sounds and the differences betwen AmE and BrE pronuncations, so I would let you some online and written exercises to practice: 

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Multimedia and exercises on Vocabulary

In this new posts I am going to let you some videos that shows a native speaker of American English and a native speaker of British English ...